Fulbright Grantees,

Welcome to Taipei and the EAP Regional Fulbright Workshop. The vision of Fulbright Taiwan is “a world with a little more knowledge and a little less conflict.” More knowledge is closely related to your teaching and/or research. Less Conflict is what we hope happens as you learn another culture, transmit your understanding of American culture (which is hopefully enriched by the encounter), and then take back to America a better understanding of a very important part of the world.

We expect that the Fulbright year will be one of small triumphs and personal struggles, of joy and sadness, of challenge and opportunity, and mostly of growth. Only by risking and going beyond your comfort zone do you also get the chance to develop new skills and perspectives. We know this is a time for that change, and we hope it culminates in constructive development. It did for me and for most of the Fulbright Taiwan staff, and we wish you the same sense of accomplishment.

We also hope the Workshop contributes and promotes our mission, which is to: Build Knowledge, Exchange Cultures, Bridge Communities, Change Lives, and Symbolize Taiwanese-American friendship.

Finally, “beautiful island” and “rich heritage” are minimal descriptions of Taiwan. There are few places in the world where Americans are more liked and America is more respected. We urge you to see as much and enjoy as much as you can in the brief time here. We are genuinely pleased that you have joined us, and wish you a wonderful stay. 


William C. Vocke, Jr. Ph.D. 
Executive Director, Fulbright Taiwan (The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange – FSE)